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Window into the Bible
Julius Caesar
Born: July 100 BC
Died: 15 March 44 BC
Although Julius Caesar is not mentioned by name in the Bible, he played a key role in establishing the Roman world into which Jesus and his followers were born.
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Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Bust Made: 117 – 138 AD
Place: Trajan’s Forum, Rome, Italy
Photographed at the National Archaeological Museum, Naples, Italy.
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Bust Made : 1 – 25 AD
Place: Corinth
Julius Caesar refounded Corinth as a Roman colony in 44 BC. It was settled by freed slaves from a number of Roman territories. One group of freedmen were ex Judean slaves.
1 Cor 12:13
For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
Photographed at Corinth Museum, Ancient Corinth, Greece
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Bust Made : 1800s AD
Place: Italy, probably in Rome
Copied from Roman original
Photographed at the British Museum, London, England
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